In the event of a hack, perpetrators would at best be able to access illegible encrypted data with no way of decrypting it.
Collect’d is secured with end-to-end encryption and although every company is vulnerable to sophisticated hacking, information that is end-to-end encrypted cannot be unlocked without your unique key that is stored locally on your mobile device. This prevents would-be hackers, governments or even Collect’d itself to access unencrypted data.
The only way for hackers to access your private unencrypted data would be for them to physically access/steal your device and somehow bypass your account credentials (password and email) and device security – e.g, private passcode and/or biometric security code (e.g, FaceID or TouchID).
Collect’d does manage a small amount of data that cannot be protected with end-to-end encryption, specifically your contact information (e.g, first & last name, email address and in some cases, phone number when using SMS) which is used exclusively to communicate with you. We never sell and/or use this information for any other purpose. Collect’d uses bank-level security to store this information.